GuestCentric Service

Fall’09: Interim Release

October 27, 2009 3 min read



Fall’09: Interim Release

Reading Time: 3 minutes


After a great fall version, I would like to share more good news with you. With the Fall 2009 Interim Release your GuestCentric capabilities continue to expand to improve e-commerce success of your property. We want to boost your direct business and are listening closely to your suggestions. If you have anything you would like to tell us, do not hesitate to send us an email to, and keep checking back for additions and improvements.

GuestCentric Hotel Share

1Give your website bookers the ability to easily share their travel itinerary on Facebook and Twitter and improve your visibilityAll clients that make an online reservation at your booking engine will have the opportunity to share their trip with their friends. They can easily post a comment in their Facebook and Twitter profile after they finish the booking and stay connect with their friends and family. Sharing this information will also serve to broaden your brand and reach to more people.

Post stay email

2Make it easy for your guests to say positive things about your hotel onlineGuests who love your hotel are your best endorsement. Enable them to spread the good word. One day after the client check out your hotel, the post stay email will automatically be sent, providing a link to and encourage guests to submit a positive review.

Offline reservations

3Manage all your hotel reservations in one placeRegister all your offline reservations on GuestCentric’s back-office and start to manage all your reservations in one place. Synchronize availability with the booking engine, clear price communication with guests and automatic guest profile creation will give your property the leverage needed to increase success.

Key performance Index

4Track your hotel performance and trend to improve your online businessNow you have a new pane on your home dashboard where you can check how well your hotel is doing online. You can check your hotel visibility, sales focus, bookable offers and overall performance in the last 30 days, year to date and even analyze the business trend.

Google translate

6Translate your website content using the Google suggestionsWith just one click you can now easily add new fresh translations to your website by following the new Google Translate suggestions. This useful tool is now available in the translations area.

Blog search available at reputation

7Your hotel reputation continues to growNow you can check comments about your hotel posted on blogs. This new source is now available at your Reputation pane and it’s powered by Google Blog Search.

Usability enhancements

8Simple things make your work funIn this release we focused on simplifying your work. Some key areas were greatly improved to save you time. Sign-in now and have more fun working with GuestCentric.

GuestCentric Team
Filipe Machaz
VP of Product Management

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