GuestCentric Service

New media manager

July 19, 2011 < 1 min read



New media manager

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Media manager more scalable

In the last 12 months we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of photos stored by our customers on our servers. The average number of pictures per customer is now well over 30, which led us to redo the media manager to make it more user-friendly in terms of photo management:
1- Pagination and filtering allows for easy access to the specific pictures you may be looking for.
2- Image size auto-selection based on the defined criteria for banners, sidebars, etc.
3- Autocrop features for faster set up of properties.
4- Multi-selection allows bulk handling of photos.
5- Drag-and-drop upload mechanisms that make uploading pictures much easier.

Enjoy the new media manager and as always feel free to feedback by clicking the “Make a wish” button in the application.

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