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Next-generation hotel booking engine: the hotel booking bar

May 24, 2012 < 1 min read



Next-generation hotel booking engine: the hotel booking bar

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Ever thought about upgrading your hotel booking engine?

With GuestCentric’s new hotel booking bar you get more than a booking engine. You get the top 5 content that your online shoppers are looking for when they come to your website: a description and photo of the hotel, photos and descriptions of the rooms, available special offers, location and your hotel booking engine with rates, availabilities and ability to book. And you get full control over the content shown on those pages.

So, if you are weary about changing your website, why not upgrade it with the GuestCentric booking bar? In 25 minutes you can have it up and running. It’s fast, easy, and it works!

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