
Quality Assurance of GuestCentric service

April 8, 2009 < 1 min read


Quality Assurance of GuestCentric service

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Hi, at GuestCentric we have a dedicated Quality Assurance (QA) department. We are a fully committed team, ensuring that the product reaches you with the least amount of issues. The question is, why should you care?

In most industries today, quality is a growing concern. Imagine the quality processes that airplane makers undergo before delivering their latest model. They, as a company and you, as a passenger, need to be sure that those wings will hold against a number of possible hazards and unlikely scenarios.

Now, at GuestCentric we don’t deal with airplane wings, but we do care that your guests get the right rates and that they can get to them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

There are a number of common fears that you might relate with, for instance, not receiving reservation requests, not being able to reply to a reservation, credit card validations, assuring guest feedback.

We test the service in two completely different ways:

  • As a guest – In this case we simulate all possible scenarios that a website visitor might encounter: check rates, make reservations, check for hotel feedback, ways to contact you either by  emails or phone call etc…
  • As the hotelier – We will reproduce all kinds of strange strings of events that you could attempt in your everyday application usage: check reservations, rates and promotions accuracy, website information etc…

We have daily security checks, so that no one can access your data without your consent.

Returning to the airplane context, we are here to make sure you have a pleasant journey, without any turbulence!

We look forward to hear your suggestions and thoughts regarding our job and how we are performing.

The QA team

One Comment
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