GuestCentric Service

Reservations like email

July 12, 2011 < 1 min read



Reservations like email

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Improved reservations area

With the introduction of channel management, reservations can now arrive at the GuestCentric extranet from a multitude of channels and with different conditions (e.g. with warnings because credit card information is missing, or with errors because the channel has booked a reservation for a date that may not be available anymore).

Hence, we upgraded the reservations management area to make it even more similar to email.

Reservations that previously appeared with UNREAD status are now displayed with NEW status and highlighted in bold until opened by the user. When a NEW reservation is opened, the system automatically moves the specific reservation from the UNREAD folder to the ALL reservations folder, available on the left navigation panel. In case you wish, you can mark a reservation as unread, so it goes back to the UNREAD filter.

By providing this extra level of control, you should be able to manage channel management and website reservations in a breeze.

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