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We’ve just Reduced the time it takes to Publish a Hotel Webpage!

November 15, 2022 < 1 min read
Save and publish panel for hotels



We’ve just Reduced the time it takes to Publish a Hotel Webpage!

Reading Time: < 1 minute

We all know that the hotel website should never be stagnant, and it’s important to be able to react to market changes quickly when needed. Thus, we’re really excited to announce our latest CMS feature that will allow you to more quickly upload, edit, and publish new content and offers whilst also saving your staff heaps of time in the process!

How does it Work?

Previously, after editing a webpage, you needed to first select the ‘Save and Close’ option from the drop-down menu, then jump back to the ‘Website Pages – All’ tab, re-select the saved page, and then publish it. We have now eliminated all of these steps by adding a new option to ‘Save and Publish’ a webpage just seconds after editing it!

To leave your feedback on this feature, or if you would like to learn more about it, simply contact our support team.


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