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A modern online presence | episode 10

February 23, 2011 < 1 min read


A modern online presence | episode 10

Reading Time: < 1 minute

From Las Vegas to midtown Manhattan. This week we talk to Phoebe Knowles, vice president to her family’s business, the fantastic Roger Smith Hotel. This is a very special boutique hotel with 130 rooms and filled with some unique artwork and book collections.

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How important it is to have a modern online presence? “Critical!” According to Phoebe, The Roger Smith is investing a lot of time and energy, not only in their property website but also on the social media of their hotel, blogging and video content. The challenge is to stay authentic, real and dynamic. Today’s consumer is looking for the hotel’s personality and what makes it different. To be able to have this conversation with your customer, to have interesting stories to tell could be the key to differentiate you in such a competitive market and get the attention of new customers.
To be able to have this agility and to create and publish this content fast and easily can make a huge difference in an hotelier’s life. Better yet, to know once you publish them, they will be spread into your social media outlets. WOW, wouldn’t that be great?

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