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Unleash Media Manager Magic with Guestcentric’s CMS!

February 19, 2024 2 min read
Media Manager



Unleash Media Manager Magic with Guestcentric’s CMS!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In the lightning-fast digital universe, images are not just snapshots—they’re epic tales told in pixels! We get it; the race to publish those eye-catching offers can feel like a marathon of clicks and uploads. That’s where the magic of Guestcentric’s CMS comes into play, transforming the tedious into the terrific!

Here’s How You Can Make Your Offers Pop in Just a Few Clicks

  1. Dive into Your Digital Library: Jumpstart the journey in the Guestcentric backoffice. Hit the Media Manager icon in the Setup zone and let the upload button introduce new stars to your image galaxy.
  2. Witness the Format Transformation: Behold as your JPGs morph into WebP warriors! This isn’t just any change—it’s your ticket to keeping those page loads lightning-fast without dimming the dazzle of your images. A seamless experience for your eager audience awaits.
  3. Speak to the Search Engines: Elevate your images with text descriptions that whisper directly to search engines, boosting your site’s SEO to stardom. Plus, this little trick turns your image hunt into a breeze when it’s showtime for your offers.
  4. Set the Stage with Your Offer: Glide back to Setup, click on the Rate Plans icon, and choose your champion—let’s roll with ‘Summer Special’. This is where your offer starts to sparkle.
  5. Showcase Your Visuals: Tap ‘Edit’, then ‘Add Media’ to summon the perfect image from your collection or find it by name. After uploading, hit ‘Save and Close’, and with a final flourish, republish your website.

And Voilà! Your Offer Is Now Dressed to Impress!

Ready to dazzle with the visuals that bring your special offer to life? With Guestcentric CMS, you’re not just publishing offers; you’re creating visual symphonies that sing “Look at me!” in the digital chorus. Get ready to watch the audience pour in, captivated by the visual feast you’ve laid out with ease and flair.


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