GuestCentric Service

GuestCentric Winter’09 Edition

November 26, 2009 2 min read



GuestCentric Winter’09 Edition

Reading Time: 2 minutes


The Fall version has been upgraded, and brings more exciting news. With the Winter 2009 Release your GuestCentric platform usability has been improved. It reveals the results from the work done in analyzing your feedback and daily usage. We want to boost your direct business and are listening closely to your suggestions. If you have anything you would like to tell us, do not hesitate to send us an email to, and keep checking back for additions and improvements.

New login access

new-login-accessThe new look shows a more professional and interactive login. Now you can easily have access to key areas like Phone Support, Live Support or to Report a problem.

When you access GuestCentric’s platform you will find a new look and feel. None of the older options were changed; we only added some key shortcuts. In Phone Support, you will find GuestCentric worldwide support phone numbers. The Live Support allows you to chat with our Support team in real time. Or if you wish you can send a message to the support team on the Report a Problem area.

All dashboards in a unique area

dashboardPerformance reports and metrics are now located in the Dashboard area, together with Webs metrics, Revenue performance or Conversion ratios.

The Dashboard area is now fully packed with all the reports and metrics available in the platform. Perform your daily tasks in several existing areas like Contacts, Guests, Reservations, Revenue and Website, but don’t forget to analyze your business assessing the reports of the Dashboard area.

Backoffice setup improvements

backofficeIn this new release, we have implemented a new layout and grouped the several actions you may perform

Home, Administration and Webmaster are the new three areas available. Use the Setup Home page to set your booking engine essentials, edit the way you market your property and insert data about your hotel to populate your website pages. Administration will allow you to create / edit users, setup taxes, change login and credit card access passwords. While the Webmaster area allows you to change settings of the domain and access the hosting of the website.

GuestCentric Team
Filipe Machaz
VP of Product Management

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