Hoteliers and HTML5
Reading Time: 3 minutesWhat hoteliers need to know about HTML5
By Pedro Colaco GuestCentric President and CEO
The introduction of HTML5 will affect the future of how people use the web. At first glance it seems to be a subject only related to web developers but it relates to all of us. So, for all you non-web-geek-hoteliers that want to know how it will affect the future of your hotel website.
Let me begin by explaining what is HTML5: HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language = the code websites are built on) was developed by W3C. In 2004 a group of members of the HTML working group realized there were too many plug-ins being used to add features to regular HTML to allow it to fulfill real world needs. With that in mind, they formed a new group called WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) that would be in charge of creating a new standard for web development. Although they didn’t come up with a great group name, they did focus on turning HTML5 into the web’s next big thing. And now it’s here!
HTML 5 is now starting to be used by developers and its new functions that can greatly benefit Internet users. HTML5 introduces a number of new elements and attributes that will turn the web experience richer, yet lighter. Here are some highlights:
- The new canvas element can be used for rendering graphics or other visual images on the fly. All done without having to rely on third-party plug-ins like Adobe Flash. This is a completely new open field with endless possibilities. If you heard about the controversy on Apple no longer supporting Adobe Flash on its mobile devices, it is directly related to HTML5.
- Embedding video also used to be impossible without third-party plug-ins such as Apple QuickTime or Adobe Flash. Thanks to the new video element, chances are this will become the new standard way to present video online. YouTube already has HTLM5 in beta testing, so you can join and take a look
- Today most websites already sniff the user’s location by means of IP address detection. But as good as we try to make it, its not always as reliable as one would like to. HTML5 geolocation presents an alternative method of correctly pinpointing a user’s location by capturing this information from Wi-Fi towers and GPS.
- The other major addition that is grabbing everyone’s attention is the ability to store offline data for Web apps. This means that you will be able to create files in a web application like Google Docs or draft e-mails on Google Mail when offline. These changes would be automatically synced the next time you’re connected.
All of this matters to hoteliers because your daily Web activities will become easier, you will be able to have a richer experience and you will also be able to have this same experience on a light, portable, universal platform like a phone or an iPad. In fact, you’re probably already taking advantage of it and you don’t even know it. Safari (both mobile and desktop), Google Chrome and Firefox 3.6 all support at least some elements of HTML5. Although Internet Explorer 8 is very limited, it seems that version 9 will take advantage of the full potential of HTML5.
Most importantly, HTML5 matters to you because in a constantly changing world, you need to know what’s out there so that you can use it to provide better service to your website visitors. Make sure you push the envelope and take the most out of what this new technology can do for your business and at the same time make sure your providers are able to follow you into these unexplored waters.
André Luís
(Warning: shameless plug inside) Hey, great to see you taking the lead and using your established connections to pass this important message. I'd just add a bit of progressive enhancement, where some features might be impossible to reproduce in older browsers without some very heavy lifting. So don't let those older browsers hold you back... push the boundaries... have a look at and for a few examples (not all use html5, but most do). Have fun! :) Last but not least, I'll just plug some slides I threw together in may... they're in portuguese, but then again, some of your clients might understand it anyway. ;)